Call for Abstract

18th International Expo on Recycling and Waste Management, will be organized around the theme “Reduce, reuse and recycle waste for sustainable living”

Recycling Expo -2023 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Recycling Expo -2023

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

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Plastic waste is a major issue worldwide, thus scientists is trying to take a significant step towards extending the range of plastics that can be recycled. Packaging supplies, containers, and other wasted things are cluttering the environment and filling landfills at an alarming rate. By 2050, scientists predict that there will be more plastic in the ocean by weight than fish, according to NREL. Recently work has been carried out to convert plastics into smaller and friendly chemical building blocks which can be further consumed by soil microbe to produce biopolymer or component for nylon productions.


  • Track 1-1Recycling of Plastic Waste
  • Track 1-2Recycling of elctronics and electricals
  • Track 1-3Recycling of textiles
  • Track 1-4Recycling of Diapers

Bioremediation is crucial to understand that although this method of waste cleaning may involve an organism that could be dangerous in the right conditions, it does not use any toxic chemicals. It is becoming the sought-after technological know-how for the remediation of numerous contaminated environments, particularly with petroleum hydrocarbon-affected areas. Certain microorganisms that utilise pollutants as a source of food and energy are encouraged to thrive as a result of bioremediation.

The environment-damaging polymers that usually take decades to decompose can now be broken down in a matter of hours or days thanks to a new enzyme variation developed by Chemical engineers. The answer to how to deal with the billions of tonnes of plastic garbage that are piling up in landfills and damaging our natural lands and water has recently been published in the journal Nature. The enzyme has the potential to accelerate recycling on a huge scale, allowing important businesses to recover and reuse plastics at the molecular level and lessen their environmental impact.

  • Track 3-1Bioplastics
  • Track 3-2Engineered microbes for recycling

Engineers are working on a novel strategy to enhance the recycling of soft plastics by building a smart robot that can recognise, classify, and segregate various recyclable waste streams. Despite recent advancements in plastic recycling, landfills continue to be a problem. With 94 percent of soft plastics like cling wrap and plastic bags ending up in landfills in 2016–17, they are a significant source of the issue. Soft plastics can't be recycled properly since they become tangled up in trash sorting equipment quickly, which causes mechanical problems and contaminates other recyclables like paper. Because of this issue, present recycling techniques rely on the tedious and risky physical sorting of soft plastics. 

  • Track 4-1Use of Microrobots

The electrochemical process used by engineers to produce ammonia from nitrates has a high solar-to-fuel efficiency. In addition to using wastewater to produce ammonia, the second most produced chemical in the world, engineers have developed a solar-powered electrochemical reaction that is 10 times more efficient at converting sunlight into fuel than any other comparable technology. The agricultural and energy sectors in developed and developing countries, as well as attempts to minimise greenhouse gases from fossil fuels, could be significantly impacted by this technology and our method, which has the potential to enable on-demand fertiliser synthesis.

When produce is going to spoil, monitoring the plant hormone ethylene may help. They release ethylene, a colourless, sweet-smelling gas, as flowers bloom and fruits ripen. In order to prevent food deterioration, MIT researchers have developed a small sensor that can detect this gas in concentrations as low as 15 parts per billion. The sensor, which is constructed from semiconducting cylinders known as carbon nanotubes, might be used to track produce while it is transported and stored, assisting in the reduction of food waste.

Methane, a greenhouse gas with a 28-fold greater warming potential than carbon dioxide, is the second-largest contributor to global warming. Methane is a gas that is produced when organic matter decomposes underground, and landfills are a major source of this gas. With a system that doesn't need additional land, roads, or electric lines in order to function, a startup seeks to significantly lower methane emissions from landfills. The business, Loci Controls, has created a solar-powered system that enhances landfill methane collection so that more of it can be converted into natural gas.

The collection, handling, and disposal of trash that, if handled carelessly, may cause significant harm to the environment or to human health and safety. Hazardous wastes are produced primarily by chemical production, manufacturing, and other industrial activities, and they might have the form of solids, liquids, sludge, or enclosed gases. These have names based on their biological, chemical, and physical characteristics. These residences produce substances that are radioactive, poisonous, flammable, reactive, corrosive, or contagious.

One material that is simple to recycle is paper. The most common method of recycling waste paper involves breaking down used or old paper using water and chemicals. Paper that hasn't been manufactured from previously used and recycled paper and paper goods is called recycled paper. Paper recycling preserves natural resources, saves energy, lowers greenhouse gas emissions, and keeps landfill space available for other types of rubbish that can't be recycled.

Numerous typical homes can be powered by the organic waste from breweries, coffee shops, dairy farms, and slaughterhouses each day. Massive amounts of food waste need to be properly managed and recycled in order to lessen the environmental impact and health risks. Unused food waste has enormous potential for use in the production of energy. It is currently difficult to use food waste for energy conversion.

A bio-electrochemical device called a microbial fuel cell (MFC) uses the power of breathing bacteria to transform organic substrates into electrical energy. The MFC is fundamentally a fuel cell that uses oxidation-reduction reactions to convert chemical energy into electrical energy. a microbial fuel cell created by combining bioenergy, micro/Nano technologies, and small fluids.