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Recycling Expo -2023

About Us

Conferenceseries welcomes all scholars across the globe to participate in the 18th International Expo on Recycling and Waste Management which is going to be held on June 23-24, 2023 in Paris, France. The theme of this conference is “Reduce, reuse and recycle waste for sustainable living” The conference includes Keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster Presentations, Workshops, and Exhibitors to bring together, researchers, lectureres, HODs, assistant professors, and scientists in the field from around the world in order to create a forum for the sharing of knowledge and ideas. It gives aspiring researcherS the chance to investigate several areas of Waste management and recycling.

The leading producer of conferences, workshops, video presentations, and symposia in all of the key areas of science, engineering, and medicine is Conferenceseries For the hosting of international conferences and events, the organization has been working with national and international institutes, universities, industries, and highly associated people. Conferenceseries main goal is to encourage and provide a forum for dialogue between the academic and industrial communities regarding engineering and science research.

Oral and poster abstracts are now invited and should be submitted using the online abstract submission system. All submitted abstracts will be published in the special issue section as conference proceedings in the Waste management and recycling journals.

Table of Content:

Who should attend?

Why to attend this Recycling Expo 2023?

Conference Brochure

Download Conference Agenda

Covid-19 Guidelines

Abstract Submission Criteria

Conference Venue Details

About       VISA

Who should attend?

Attendance is encouraged from business and technical experts from around the world charged with creating new system, theory, and technologies for waste recycling and management.

·         Lecturers/Professors

·         Researchers

·         Students

·         Technology/Business Analysts

·         Media Representatives

·         Startups

Why to attend this Recycling Expo-2023?

1.      Young Scientist Award recognition certificate and memento to the winners.

2.      Our conferences provide best Platform for your research through oral presentations.

3.      Learn about career improvement with all the latest technologies by networking.

4.      Young Scientists will get appropriate and timely information by this Forum.

5.      Platform for collaboration among young researchers for better development.

6.      Provide opportunity for research interaction and established senior investigators across the globe in the area.

7.      Share the ideas with both eminent researchers and mentors.

8.      It's a great privilege for young researchers to learn about the research areas for expanding their research knowledge.

Conference Brochure:

To download the conference Brochure, please fill the required details in the Form and click on Download Brochure

Covid-19 Guidelines: 

Recycling Expo-2023 organizing team assure you that we will take all the necessary precautions underlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) along with local state authorities. Our Conference team is working 24/7 to ensure your safety which is why we are operating round the clock and regularly examining the situation. Currently, our conference team is approaching details with care. We consider that transparent communication with our speakers, delegates, and team members is important. Along with our venue partners, we will be implementing Health & Safety protocols to lower the risk of transmissions during the event. This Upcoming Recycling Expo-2023 has also developed a multi-model approach, which includes sanitization of high-touch areas, encouraging social distancing, temperature check and mask-wearing in the venue, taking into account every aspects of the delegate experience. We have also united our efforts with health and safety experts in order that you'll enjoy the conference offerings with utmost ease and confidence.

Abstract Submission Criteria:

·         The Abstract should be written in English.

·         Please indicate one - three most relevant themes for your abstract from the conference tracks.

·         Please send a brief biography together with the Abstract (An example is given in the abstract template).

·         Please download the abstract template and follow the format carefully.

·         Documents that do not conform to the guidelines will be asked to revise.

·         Documents received after the given deadline, due to any reason will not be accepted unless the deadline is extended.

·         The abstract should be submitted in the format of MS Word (.doc or .docx) document.

Conference Venue Details:

Millennium Hotel Paris Charles De Gaulle

Zone Hôtelière 2 Allée Du Verger Roissy En France, 95700 Paris, France


About Visa:

For conference attendance and participation only Business Visa should be applied. Contact your nearest travel agent/visa information centre/ for the correct application form. All visas for visiting Framce shall be processed by respective authorities only upon submission of proper documents through proper channel. In case of non-furnishing of documents, non-adherence to guidelines visas shall be cancelled by respective authorities. The minimum supportive documents that might be required while applying for (Paris) France visa include:

·         Letter of Invitation,

·         Abstract acceptance letter (if speaker),

·         Registration payment receipt,

·         Accommodation confirmation letter issued under conference letter head.

For letter of invitation and accommodation confirmation, payment of registration fees and accommodation charges is a pre-requisite. Mandate documents required from conference secretariat should be obtained only through Recycling Conference Organizing team.

Scientific Sessions

Scientific Sessions:

Track 1: Recycling of Waste:

1. Plastic waste is a major issue worldwide, thus scientists is trying to take a significant step towards extending the range of plastics that can be recycled. Packaging supplies, containers, and other wasted things are cluttering the environment and filling landfills at an alarming rate. By 2050, scientists predict that there will be more plastic in the ocean by weight than fish, according to NREL. Recently work has been carried out to convert plastics into smaller and friendly chemical building blocks which can be further consumed by soil microbe to produce biopolymer or component for nylon productions.

2. Electronics and electrical waste: The handling of electronic waste raises a number of concerns, including the toxicity of hazardous elements and the gathering, recycling, and recovery of usable resources. A products and materials flow analysis should be carried out to comprehend what happens to electronic waste after it has been collected and recycled. This is a crucial need since secondary sources for new materials may one day be provided by recycling as primary sources become more and more limited. Researchers are looking into electronic waste systems, particularly the issues related to resource recovery or recycling, and they are also mapping electronic trash movements using data from collection.

3.  Recycling of textiles: Now, researchers in Sweden have created a process for turning cotton into sugar, which can then be used to create lucrative goods like spandex, nylon, and ethanol. Some fabrics still have strong enough fibres to allow for repeated use. An estimated 25 million tonnes of cotton textiles are thrown away globally each year. 100 million tonnes of textiles are wasted overall when the various sorts are added up. Overcoming cotton cellulose's complex structure is one of the difficulties.

4. Recycling of Diapers: Several top companies are working to create a three-step method for converting superabsorbent polymers into a material that may be reused, in this case adhesives. The technique required to be energy-efficient and industrially applicable. The scientists had to figure out how to separate the network polymer into chains that could dissolve in water in order to recycle these resources. Scientist discovered that these polymers' crosslinks are broken when heated, whether in the presence of acid or base.

Waste Management Conferences Recycling Conferences Recycling Expo Recycling Meetings Plastic Recycling Conferences | Climate Change Conferences International Recycling and Waste Management Conferences

Track 2: Bioremediation:

It is crucial to understand that although this method of waste recycling may involve an organism that could be dangerous in the right conditions, it does not use any toxic chemicals. It is becoming the sought-after technological know-how for the remediation of numerous contaminated environments, particularly with petroleum hydrocarbon-affected areas. Certain microorganisms that utilise pollutants as a source of food and energy are encouraged to thrive as a result of bioremediation.

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Track 3: New Research in recycling: The environment-damaging polymers that usually take decades to decompose can now be broken down in a matter of hours or days thanks to a new enzyme variation developed by Chemical engineers. The answer to how to deal with the billions of tonnes of plastic garbage that are piling up in landfills and damaging our natural lands and water has recently been published in the journal Nature. The enzyme has the potential to accelerate recycling on a huge scale, allowing important businesses to recover and reuse plastics at the molecular level and lessen their environmental impact.

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1. Bioplastics: Disposable cups, packing materials, and even children's toys are increasingly being created from bioplastics, which are made from polylactic acid (PLA). Once they have served their purpose, they are often composted or dumped in landfills, where they can take several months to decompose. In a recent study, scientists demonstrated that real consumer plastics may be destroyed chemically to create the environmentally friendly solvent methyl lactate using methanol and a zinc-based catalyst created at the University of Bath.

2. Engineered microbes for recycling: Beta-ketoadipate, which can be employed in the production of performance-advantaged nylon, and polyhydroxyalkanoates, an emerging type of biodegradable bioplastics, are the two products that the researchers modified the microbe Pseudomonas putida to physiologically funnel the mixture into. Future studies will concentrate on testing the procedure with various plastics, such as polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride.

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Track 4: Use of AI-Powered Robots for Recycling: Engineers are working on a novel strategy to enhance the recycling of soft plastics by building a smart robot that can recognise, classify, and segregate various recyclable waste streams. Despite recent advancements in plastic recycling, landfills continue to be a problem. With 94 percent of soft plastics like cling wrap and plastic bags ending up in landfills in 2016–17, they are a significant source of the issue. Soft plastics can't be recycled properly since they become tangled up in trash sorting equipment quickly, which causes mechanical problems and contaminates other recyclables like paper. Because of this issue, present recycling techniques rely on the tedious and risky physical sorting of soft plastics.

1. Use of Microrobots: Some analysts believe that nuclear power has a lot of potential for supplying the world's expanding energy needs without producing greenhouse gases. However, scientists must develop a method to eliminate radioactive isotopes from nuclear power plant effluent as well as from the environment in the event of a spill. Researchers have now created tiny, self-propelled robots that extract radioactive uranium from simulated wastewater.

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Track  5: Use of Solar-Powered Electrochemical Reaction: The electrochemical process used by engineers to produce ammonia from nitrates has a high solar-to-fuel efficiency. In addition to using wastewater to produce ammonia, the second most produced chemical in the world, engineers have developed a solar-powered electrochemical reaction that is 10 times more efficient at converting sunlight into fuel than any other comparable technology. The agricultural and energy sectors in developed and developing countries, as well as attempts to minimise greenhouse gases from fossil fuels, could be significantly impacted by this technology and our method, which has the potential to enable on-demand fertiliser synthesis.

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Track 6: Reduction of Food Waste: When produce is going to spoil, monitoring the plant hormone ethylene may help. They release ethylene, a colourless, sweet-smelling gas, as flowers bloom and fruits ripen. In order to prevent food deterioration, MIT researchers have developed a small sensor that can detect this gas in concentrations as low as 15 parts per billion. The sensor, which is constructed from semiconducting cylinders known as carbon nanotubes, might be used to track produce while it is transported and stored, assisting in the reduction of food waste.

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Track 7: Reduction of Methane Emissions: Methane, a greenhouse gas with a 28-fold greater warming potential than carbon dioxide, is the second-largest contributor to global warming. Methane is a gas that is produced when organic matter decomposes underground, and landfills are a major source of this gas. With a system that doesn't need additional land, roads, or electric lines in order to function, a startup seeks to significantly lower methane emissions from landfills. The business, Loci Controls, has created a solar-powered system that enhances landfill methane collection so that more of it can be converted into natural gas.

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Track 8: Hazardous Waste Management:

The collection, handling, and disposal of wastage materials which if handled carelessly, may cause significant harm to the environment or to human health and safety. Hazardous wastes are produced primarily by chemical production, manufacturing, and other industrial activities, and they might have the form of solids, liquids, sludge, or enclosed gases. These have names based on their biological, chemical, and physical characteristics. These residences produce substances that are radioactive, poisonous, flammable, reactive, corrosive, or contagious.

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Track  9: Energy from Organic Waste:

Numerous homes can be powered by the organic waste from breweries, coffee shops, dairy farms, and slaughterhouses each day. Massive amounts of food waste need to be properly managed and recycled in order to lessen the environmental impact and health risks. Unused food waste has enormous potential for use in the production of energy. It is currently difficult to use food waste for energy conversion.

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 1. Paper Recycling:

One material that is simple to recycle is paper. The most common method of recycling waste paper involves breaking down used or old paper using water and chemicals. Paper that hasn't been manufactured from previously used and recycled paper and paper goods is called recycled paper. Paper recycling preserves natural resources, saves energy, lowers greenhouse gas emissions, and keeps landfill space available for other types of rubbish that can't be recycled.

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2. Microbial Fuel Cell Technology:

A bio-electrochemical device called a microbial fuel cell (MFC) uses the power of breathing bacteria to transform organic substrates into electrical energy. The MFC is fundamentally a fuel cell that uses oxidation-reduction reactions to convert chemical energy into electrical energy. A microbial fuel cell created by combining bioenergy, micro/Nano technologies, and small fluids.

 Waste Management Conferences Recycling Conferences Recycling Expo Recycling Meetings Plastic Recycling Conferences | Climate Change Conferences International Recycling and Waste Management Conferences

Market Analysis

Market Analysis: The size of the worldwide waste market was estimated at $1,612.0 billion in 2020 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.4% from 2021 to 2030 to reach $2,483.0 billion. All processes involving waste from human activity are included in waste management. It deals with the gathering, moving, handling, recycling, getting rid of, or storing of garbage.

The quantity of waste produced globally in 2018 was 2.01 billion tonnes. However, there are significant differences in where this trash comes from, and the fact that it is not produced in proportion to the populations of the various parts of the world demonstrates some inequalities. Only 13.5% of this waste was recycled in 2018, and the majority of it was dumped in the environment and the oceans, demonstrating the need for global waste management.

In Europe, France is the 2nd country producing the most waste, behind Germany, with 343 million tons in 2018. The management of these millions of tons of waste generates billions of euros in revenue, growing by 11.2% for the European Union and by 21% for France between 2016 and 2018. France, however, saw a 1.2% drop in turnover between 2019 and 2020, heavily impacted by the closure of 95% of its waste collection centres and 60% of its sorting centres during the March 2020 containment. The AGEC Law of 2020 and present sorting and waste reduction tendencies may revolutionise the industry and lower the annual volume of garbage, but the knowledge required to manage new waste, such WEEE, and the scarcity of raw materials tend to raise the value of each.

The market for recycling equipment and machinery is predicted to surpass US$ 1.2 billion (EUR 1.05 billion) by 2025 as the importance of efficient recycling technology rises. According to the survey, baler presses will control the machinery sector with a 30% share of the overall recycling equipment and machinery market. With target revenue of US$ 390 million by 2025, analysts predict that metal baling will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5.7% over the period of 2018 to 2025.

Over the next eight years, "substantial increases" are anticipated in the equipment and machinery industry for plastic recycling. Between 2018 and 2025, this niche market will grow at a 6.3% annual rate, with target revenue of US$ 470 million. According to the study, 7.7 billion tonnes of plastic are produced annually around the world, of which 5.4 billion tonnes are not recycled.

By 2025, the market in the Asia Pacific area is expected to be worth more than US$ 450 million, with China being a significant source of income. Recycling PET bottles typically includes garbage collection, sorting, shredding, and moulding processes. Over the projected period of 2018-2023, Market Research Future (MRFR) predicts a CAGR of 5.28% in the worldwide PET bottle recycling market. The market for recycling PET bottles was estimated to be around USD 4,381.3 Mn in 2017 and is anticipated to be worth USD 5,933.6 Mn by the end of 2023.

Utilizing a variety of mechanical and chemical processing techniques on industrial wastes to reduce their hazard potential is known as industrial waste management. The proper treatment of industrial waste is essential for maintaining the environment, safeguarding public health, and restoring the functionality of manufacturing plant components. Additionally, industrial wastes make up around 50% of all garbage produced globally. The most dangerous kind of waste is industrial waste, which contains a variety of hazardous impurities like industrial chemicals, toxic metal particles, grease, oils, leftover raw materials, dirt, gravel, masonry, concrete, scrap metals, solvents, scrap lumber, and even restaurant vegetable waste.

Global industrial waste management market growth is primarily being driven by rapid industrialisation. Increased industrial output has inevitably led to higher amounts of garbage produced, which has further fueled the expansion of the market for industrial waste management. The cost-efficiency of industrial operations is improved as a result of improved waste recycling, which can be employed for core industrial applications or any other productive objectives. The growth of the industrial waste management market is also being fuelled by increased environmental awareness. Furthermore, the long-term degradation of natural resources brought on by industrial waste has prompted national governments, municipal governments, and international regulatory bodies to establish strict standards and guidelines for the mandatory, safe, and meticulous handling of industrial waste. This global market could be hampered, though, by poor awareness, a lack of finance, and ineffective inspection and monitoring of industrial waste management in developing countries.

On the basis of service, waste type, type, and end-user, the industrial waste management market is divided into segments. The industrial waste management market covers the services of landfilling, recycling, collection, and burning. More than 50% of the global market in 2018 was accounted for by the collection segment, and it is anticipated that this trend would continue in the years to come. Manufacturing, energy, agricultural, nuclear, power plants, oil and gas, construction and demolition, chemical, mining, and other industries are included in the global market according to waste type. In 2018, the global market's largest segment was manufacturing waste. Hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are both included in the industrial waste management market. The non-hazardous waste industry dominated the global market in 2018 and will continue to do so going forward.

In terms of worldwide industrial waste management market share in 2018, North America came in second. Numerous well-established sectors, including oil and gas, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, nuclear power plants, mining, and food and drinks, have historically been present in this region. The region's strong position in the global scene is a result of the region's thriving industrial sector. In addition, North America is distinguished by higher levels of environmental awareness, easy access to necessary money, greater technical expertise, and a skilled workforce. In 2018, Europe held the third-largest global market share for industrial waste management. Europe has adopted strict norms and laws for the treatment of industrial waste. The largest market shares in this area are held by the UK, France, Germany, and Italy. Mid UK Recycling, Hulsey Environmental Services, and Russell Reid Waste Management are just a few of the major European competitors in the industrial waste management business.

Future industrial waste management market growth in the Middle East and Africa is anticipated to be strong. Historically, the area has been a major global provider of petroleum goods. The area is anticipated to experience significant expansion in the industrial waste management market as a result of the rising production of crude oil. Latin America is predicted to experience sluggish growth in this worldwide market due to the region's poor environmental consciousness, lack of resources, and lack of technical expertise. Stericycle, Waste Management, Sembcorp Industries, Veolia, Suez, Reclay Group, Daiseki, Enviroserv Waste Management, Clean Harbors, WeatherSolve Structures, Summit Equipment, and Superior Water Screen are some of the market's prominent companies.

As the most noticeable and valuable recycled recovered resin, PET is increasingly used. Only 16% of the 3.7 billion pounds of PET that was used in 1997 came from recycled sources. Less than 5% of the more than 90 billion pounds of plastics produced annually in the US come from recycled materials. After aluminium, plastics are the second-highest-value commodity in the waste stream and are expected to expand at the fastest rate.

Industrial market segment is expected to witness fastest growth

Industrial solid waste is described by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as waste produced during industrial or manufacturing processes. This industrial waste is governed by RCRA's Subtitle C and is not dangerous. The effluents produced as a result of industrial activity, including any materials rendered unusable during manufacturing, are included in the industrial waste. Dirt and gravel, scrap metals, solvents, oil, trash, masonry and concrete, chemicals, wood and scrap lumber, coal ash, boiler slags, and similar leftovers are a few examples of industrial debris.

Massive amounts of industrial waste have been produced as a result of rapid industrialization and the relocation of industrial production from developed to developing geographic areas. Massive industrialization and urbanisation initiatives are fuelling the growth of the management market in emerging economies like China, India, and other African nations. Government and regulatory bodies in these regions have focused on implementing stringent regulations to process and manage industrial wastes effectively. For instance, the Government of the U.K. implemented a new resource and strategy in 2018. Under this strategy, businesses and manufacturers will pay the cost required for the management of their packaging waste.

Additionally, the expansion of the world's population has increased consumer spending, which in turn has increased industrialisation and the amount of waste produced by industrial processes. The developed economies of Europe and the Americas, on the other hand, are concentrating on turning into totally eco-friendly regions in order to recover garbage, manage it, and encourage recycling or reuse, which will cut down on the consumption of fresh, natural resources.

Disposal accounted for the largest market share in 2022

The process of managing debris includes disposal service, in which recyclable garbage is separated from solid waste and handled separately. There are numerous ways to get rid of waste, including composting, incineration, recovery & recycling, landfills, and plasma gasification. Countries have put laws and rules into place to standardise management recycling and management solutions for the development of management solutions. For instance, to encourage businesses to use more than 50% of renewable raw resources, the U.S. federal government created a tax relief policy.

Residential sector is expected to hold the largest revenue share

The amount of plastic waste produced by the residential sector has significantly increased due to rising disposable income and customer preferences for online shopping. Greater care is taken by inhabitants of bigger housing units to separate trash before disposal than is taken by occupants of individual homes.

Paper, cans, scrap metal, and plastic bottles are all disposed of separately for recycling. They receive thorough treatment from the relevant private sector group, according to sources with the Korean government. These groups typically recycle between 25 and 50 percent of the total amount of these goods, with about 13 percent of the plastics being collected as a result of the dearth of plastic recycling and management facilities.

Asia Pacific is expected to hold the largest market share

China, India, Japan, South Korea, and other Pacific Rim nations have all been researched for their waste management markets in the Asia Pacific region. Due to its dense population, with China and India being the two most populous nations, this region is anticipated to develop at the fastest rate during the projected period.

The expansion of the construction industry supports the region's growth, rising environmental concerns as a result of increased drilling activity, rapid urbanisation, and greater attention from major stakeholders on the development of cutting-edge, affordable, and sustainable management solutions. For instance, in December 2017, the Chinese company Keppel Corporation was awarded a contract to plan, construct, and manage Hong Kong's first integrated trash management facility.

The market demand for waste management services is expected to expand because to improvements in infrastructure, an increase in garbage management reforms, and a spike in urban population in emerging economies (such India and China). For instance, the CityFix Labs, a Financing Sustainable Cities Initiative, began operations in Hyderabad in 2018 with the goal of enhancing building efficiency and water and waste management. The Asia Pacific market is also significantly driven by the rising demand for sophisticated management services in emerging markets like China and India.

Competitive Insight

Some of the major market players operating in the global market include Advanced Disposable Services, BIFFA, Clean Harbors, Inc., Covanta Holding Corporation, Daiseki Co., Ltd., FCC Environment, Hitachi Zosen Corporation, Remondis SE & Co. K.G., Republic Services, Stericycle, SUEZ, Urbaser, Veolia Environment S.A., Waste Connections, and Waste Management Inc. Group.

Recent Developments

Eramet and SUEZ entered into a cooperation in May 2021 to increase their cooperative efforts in the market's end-of-life electric vehicle battery recycling. This collaboration is expected to offer the European market a highly implementable, affordable, and practical battery recycling option. Additionally, in March 2021, Veolia and Groupe Renault partnered to use closed-loop recycling to supply EV battery metals to the European economy.

Past Conference Report

Recycling Congress 2020

17th World Congress and Expo on Recycling was hosted by the Conference Series. It was actually planned at Amsterdam, Netherlands during November 09-10, 2020 with the theme “Recycling: Creating a Sustainable World” but we ended it as a webinar due to the pandemic situation and it was organized successfully. The Webinar marked its start by an opening ceremony which included introduction by the Honorable Guest and the Members of Keynote Forum: Marisa Soares Borges (Brazil), Muscolo Adele (Italy), Szabolcs Fogarasi (Romania), Shabnam S. Lutafali (Kyrgyzstan), Muscolo Adele (Italy), Filomena Compagno (Italy), Esher Hsu (Taiwan), Dickson Y.S. Yan (Hong Kong), Fabian Diaz (Germany), Li Peng (China). Scientific sessions discussed during webinar are about Food Waste RecyclingAgriculture Waste RecyclingRubber RecyclingMetal and Plastic RecyclingCirculatory EconomyRecycling Market, and Thermal Waste Recovery.

Recycling Summit 2019

9th World Convention on Waste Recycling and Reuse was hosted by the Conferenceseries It was planned at Singapore during March 11-12, 2019 with the theme “Never Refuse to Reuse” was organized successfully. The Conference marked its start by an opening ceremony which included introduction by the Honorable Guest and the Members of Keynote Forum: Takashi Ano (Japan), Hiroshan Hettiarachchi (Germany), Muhammad Usman (Pakistan), Amelia Zielinska (Poland), Florence Barbara Awino (Australia), Valery S. Petrosyan (Russia), Mohammad Hadi Dehghani (Iran), Song Zhou (Australia), Desmond Ato Koomson (China). Scientific sessions discussed during conference are about Biomass and Bio energyFood and Catering waste recyclingChemical waste recyclingE-waste recycling, and Plastic waste recycling.

Recycling Expo 2019

11th World Congress and Expo on Recycling was hosted by the Conferenceseries It was planned at Edinburgh, Scotland during June 13-14, 2019 with the theme “Recycling: Creating a Sustainable World” was organized successfully. The Conference marked its start by an opening ceremony which included introduction by the Honorable Guest and the Members of Keynote Forum: Marisa Soares Borges (Brazil), Muscolo Adele (Italy), Szabolcs Fogarasi (Romania), Shabnam S. Lutafali (Kyrgyzstan), Md. Abdul Jalil (Bangladesh), Raaginii Jaain (India), Brajendra Mishra (USA), Annalina Lombardi (Italy), Nazan Koluman Darcan (Turkey), Linda Johnson-Bell (UK). Scientific sessions discussed during conference are about Sustainable Energy PolicyPetrochemical and Oil RecyclingBio-PlasticsGreen Economy, and Recycling Business.

Waste Recycling Congress 2019

10th World Convention on Recycling and Waste Management was hosted by the Conferenceseries. It was planned at Sydney, Australia during October 21-22, 2019 with the theme “Reduce and Recycle waste for sustainable waste management” was organized successfully. The Conference marked its start by an opening ceremony which included introduction by the Honorable Guest and the Members of Keynote Forum: Carmen Gaidau (Romania), Mohammad Inamul Haque (Bangladesh), Jagbir Singh (India), Francisco Augusto Pereira Dos Santos (Brazil), Muktar Muhammad (Nigeria), Mohd Moiz Khan (India), Konstantina Sotiriou (UK), Adina Anghelescu Hakala (Finland), Sinae Park (South Korea), Konstantina Sotiriou (UK). Scientific sessions discussed during conference are about Bio- Energy from WasteSustainable waste ManagementEnvironmental impact AssessmentRemote Sensing and Satellite Technology, and Microbial Fuel cell Technology.

Recycling Summit 2018

7th World Convention on Waste Recycling and Reuse was hosted by the Conferenceseries. It was planned at Tokyo, Japan during May 16-17, 2018 with the theme “Why WASTE it?? Let’s SORT it!!” was organized successfully. The Conference marked its start by an opening ceremony which included introduction by the Honorable Guest and the Members of Keynote Forum: Katsutoshi Inoue (Japan), Winnie SO Wing-mui (Hong Kong), Annemiek Verrips (Netherlands), Fernando Coelho (UK), Andrzej L Wasiak (Poland), Indra prasad dahal (Nepal), Nutthiwut Boonsa-ard (Thailand), Imumolen Christopher I (UK). Scientific sessions discussed during conference are about Chemical waste recyclingE-waste recyclingPlastic waste recyclingPaper recyclingRubber recyclingIndustrial waste recycling, and Domestic waste management.



To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date June 23-24, 2023

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation

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